
2013-02-17 22:52 来源:丁香园 作者:dorisdan
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2011.12.7投了BBRC结果人家说The English is not clear and concise. There are many instances of badly worded/constructed sentences. E.g.,...You are encouraged to have the manuscript critically edited by a colleague in your field who is a skilled writer in English. 虽然个人觉得问题不大,但是还是在朋友的介绍下找了家国外的编辑公司修改了,看了满江红,汗啊~ 修改了后还是很快被editor拒了。 所以还是应该投稿前就修改好哦。

2011.12.18投稿Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry,2012.1.5被拒了,reviewer提的意见很中肯,很尖锐。但是我的确改不了,不可能重做呀。


2012.1.6投稿Molecules and cells,2012.1.25结果Major revision and Re-review。2个reviewer共计提了6条意见,2012.4.17提交了revised manuscript。2012.5.3被拒。1个reviewer觉得ok,1个觉得不行,加了1个reviewer就毙掉了。回过头再看觉得revision没有弄好,没有很仔细的对reviewer的意见进行认真的思考,在point-to-point reply中没有处理好。 如果很巧妙的回答,可能就不会再加reviewer。 个人觉得应该虚心受教(这个很重要),同时要有主见不是所有的意见都要低头。

2012.5.12再投Inflammation Research结果等到9.19,收到邮件:It has not been possible to identify reviewers to evaluate the manuscript. Therefore, in order to save time for you, we have decided to reject the paper, thereby allowing you to submit it to a more specialized journal. 巨汗啊有木有~中间发催稿信还是没有用。所以说一定要好好选择杂志,不然只是浪费时间。4个月啊,4个月!!来这么一句。

2012.9.21投稿autoimmunity, 看见这个杂志名称的时候,我就感觉找到组织了,呵呵。符合我的文章内容。10.14给我decision是minor revision哦

Your manuscript would be suitable for review. I would be grateful if you would suggest names of at least 3 referees. Also, Autoimmunity has published extensively on this topic and relevant quotations would be appropriate. Finally, please not that the reference format is now the same as Journal of Immunology.

I look forward to receiving your revise ms and list of suggested reviewers.

我当天就回复了。很是激动,邮件都没有好好看,就看见minor revision了。但是一直没有回应,受过伤害的我昏了头,发了2封催稿信,2012.11.29回复是

We are still waiting for referee scores on your last revision to the manuscript. I apologize for any inconvenience.

2012.12.14又发了1封催稿信大意是minor revision快点哦。我当时是脑袋进水了有木有。

2012.12.16收到decision变成了major revision.

Your revised manuscript has been re-reviewed. The reviewer's comments are included at the bottom of this letter. The reviewer(s) are in general favourable and suggest that, subject to further major revisions, your paper could be suitable for publication in Autoimmunity.




编辑: zhongguoxing

